Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The exam today was... Terrible......

The paper was so easy that the first time you see people walking to toilet and coming back suring the two hour exam. But, I cant answer it. Hahaha~ Well, at least I didnt leave anything blanks. Did all I could. Was supposed to be grieving over it BUT

When i was coming back, the two westerners downstairs were outside drinking (by the looks of it) it was a going-to-rain weather so its very cooling. Their drinks were blocking my way so they have to let me pass. While I was up the stairs one of the guy (a cute one) asked about the blanket that I was holding which i collected from the laundries. He has a charming smile.. VERY CHARMING! he was saying about how unbelievable it was that I would use that blanket in Singapore. (its the blanket that jason gave me btw) He seems to be having a huge grudge about the hot weather. no wonder he and his friend were sitting outside drinking alcohol to enjoy the rainy weather. HAHAHA
Bitch Me at 5:32 AM

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