Tuesday, December 29, 2009
No matter how strong we were,
we were just lonely souls,
walking on the paths we had chosen,
writing stories with our own hands,
searching for companions and reasons,
to keep our hearts beating,
to survive with feelings,
to live with happiness..

yet when we tasted happiness,
we felt sadness when it arrives,
with companions,
we know what its like to be lonely,
when day has come,
we realized how dark is the night,
when the sun has rise,
we know that it would set..

We are self tortured souls,
to taste positives and acknowledge the negatives,
To know that life has ups,
as well as downs,
to know that we can walk forward,
or backward,
to face the dark,
or hide until dawn has come..

when you enter my life,
without permission,
I welcomed you with open arms,
I did not expect you to stay,
or leave too soon,
I just want you to walk out and move on,
and visit again sooner or later,
greet me with n honest face,
and be a regular visitor..

Bitch Me at 6:03 AM | 0 OMG

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I have a beating HEART..

If you do as well,
We are fortunate,
To share moments together,
with our beating hearts.
Bitch Me at 1:25 AM | 0 OMG

With a Beating Heart

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